Dehabu - Egypt’s laid-back, nature lovers’ paradise. 90 km north of Sharm al-Sheikh’s bustling coastline lies a laid-back beach town that attracts tourists and residents from all over the world. Formerly a Bedouin fishing village, Dahab is now one of Egypt’s top diving and windsurfing hotspots, with unparalleled pristine coral reef waiting to be ...

DehabuDehabu - Jun 17, 2020 · CNN —. Set in the shadow of Egypt’s Sinai mountains, Dahab is a destination so alluring that some have opted to make it their home soon after visiting. Once a small Bedouin fishing town, it ...

Sep 25, 2023 · 一、刘德华现身发布会带来Mate 60超大杯,一块手表镶嵌6段金条. 这次大家最为期待的当属华为Mate 60系列的“超大杯”,这次中国知名演员刘德华作为华为Mate 60 RS非凡大师品牌大使来到了发布会现场,分享了自己对于“非凡大师”的理解。. 在现场,刘德 …Jul 17, 2022 · 2. Explore Abu Galum & Blue Lagoon. Another fun thing to do when in Dahab is exploring the nearby Abu Galum and the Blue Lagoon. To get to Abu Galum, you need to take a boat from the Blue Hole. Then, you can snorkel in the colorful reefs of Abu Galum before getting into a car to the famous Blue Lagoon. 2 days ago · 快手创作者服务平台-高清视频上传. 创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的运营管理、高清视频上传、多维度数据分析、内容生产等辅助工具、依托平台丰富的资源提供热点趋势,更好的服务每个创作者。. 快手创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的 ... Dhahabu is a female zebra. She is the leader of a herd of zebras in the Back Lands . As the queen of the Back Lands, Dhahabu had access to and control over a valuable watering hole. The Lion Guard came on behalf of the Pride Lands to forge a water treaty between the kingdoms. This treaty was eventually honored during the heat of the dry season. May 24, 2019 · 1. 定义. 发布-订阅模式其实是一种对象间一对多的依赖关系,当一个对象的状态发送改变时,所有依赖于它的对象都将得到状态改变的通知。. 订阅者(Subscriber)把自己想订阅的事件注册(Subscribe)到调度中心(Event Channel),当发布者(Publisher)发布该事件 ... Located 90km (56 miles) north of Sharm El Sheikh is the next major coastal settlement, Dahab. Sediments washed down from the mountains have created a broad sandy plain here. An Israeli-built town on a sandy cove, it has hotels, restaurants, camping and diving facilities and a reputation as the ... 4 days ago · 83. See the magnificent Colored Canyon, a canyon that is 1 km long with rocks varying from sandstone to limestone and granite in all the colors of the rainbow. 84. Go on a trip to the White Canyon & Salama Canyon, see the famous Mushroom rock and have lunch at Ain Khudra Oasis & spring. Mar 1, 2024 · 它包括在发布管道中执行所有任务和操作所需的所有信息的快照,例如阶段、任务、策略(如触发器和审批者),以及部署选项。. 一个发布管道可以有多个发布,有关每个发布的信息都会在指定的 保留期 内存储并显示在 Azure Pipelines 中。. 部署是为一个阶段 ...Oct 15, 2021 · 换言之,利用悬赏令与通缉令,法律允许侦查机关将自己的本职工作部分地转移给社会民众,以减轻侦查机关的职责负担。. 针对类似的工作负担移转,在我国规范性法律体系中,立法机关作了不同类型的设计,譬如使民众负担作证的义务或者赋予民众举报的 ...Dec 7, 2023 · 此次发布,谷歌称之为Gemini 1.0,包含三个版本:适用于高度复杂任务的Gemini Ultra、适用于各种任务的最佳模型Gemini Pro以及适用于端侧设备的Gemini Nano。. 其中,Gemini Pro和Gemini Nano已分别在聊天机器人Bard和智能手机Pixel 8 Pro上集成,最强大的Gemini Ultra则将在明年 ...Dec 27, 2023 · 2.1月、4月、7月、10月分别召开年度、季度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会,3月、5月、6月、8月、9月、11月和12月召开月度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会。. 在发布国民经济运行情况新闻发布稿的同时,分别发布工业生产、能源生产、固定资产投资、房地 …The Qt Scientific Library brings you advance algebraic functionalities with the simplicity of Qt types. - dehabu/QSLJan 10, 2023 · 6. Take a dip in the beautiful Blue Lagoon. With crystal clear water, sheltered from the waves, Dahab’s Blue Lagoon is the perfect place to go for a dip. It’s often referred to as the Maldives of Egypt, which we personally think is pushing it a bit, but it is a lovely spot. Redirecting to ...Daboo Print. Daboo work ( Dabu or daboo is an ancient mud resist hand block printing technique from Rajasthan. The practice almost died out in the last …Aug 21, 2019 · 文章浏览阅读2.2k次,点赞4次,收藏20次。发布订阅模式就是发布者发送消息,订阅者接收到消息后进行处理,降低了耦合度,很多业务场景都应用到了这样的场景,比如说下单完成后,可能要还有消息提醒,给予抽奖资格等后续功能,此时就可以使用发布订阅模式处理;目前对越发布订阅模式大多 ...Jun 16, 2021 · Redis 提供了基于 “发布 / 订阅” 模式的消息机制,此种模式下,消息发布者和订阅者不进行直接通信,发布者向指定的频道发布消息,订阅该频道的每个客户端都可以收到该消息. 发布订阅模型如下:. 四个角色:发布者(Pub)、订阅者(Sub)、对两者解耦的 ...Mar 12, 2015 · 方法2:Active选项设置(可试一试). 右键点击IE浏览器,点击“属性”。. 点击“安全”,点击“internet”选中,然后点击“自定义级别”。. 在“下载未签名的安全控件Acxtive下面,勾上”提示“,(如果想强有效果,可以勾上”启用“,安装好驱动之后再来关掉 ...Oct 21, 2022 · 近日,文本生成图像模型Stable Diffusion背后的公司Stability AI宣布获得了1.01亿美元超额融资,估值达10亿美元,这家基于开源社区的“草根”企业的风头一时间甚至盖过了业界顶级研究机构OpenAI。. 本文作者认为,尽管开源项目存在商业模式、开源许可协 …Dec 27, 2023 · 2.1月、4月、7月、10月分别召开年度、季度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会,3月、5月、6月、8月、9月、11月和12月召开月度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会。. 在发布国民经济运行情况新闻发布稿的同时,分别发布工业生产、能源生产、固定资产投资、房地 …Nov 26, 2021 · 一文读懂敏捷开发的发布策略. 【摘要】 本文主要阐述基于敏捷和DevOps的发布策略相关内容。. 随着数字化、信息化、网络化和智能化的普及和发展,企业对软件服务的质量和上线速度要求越来越高。. 传统研发模式难以满足要求,企业的开发运维模式逐渐向 …4 days ago · It’s not worth it! There’s plenty of Dahab Diving Centers that are fantastic and still reasonably priced. The prices include equipment, tanks, a guide, and transportation to the dive sites. PADI Open Water Course: ca. 285€. PADI Advanced Open Water: ca. 200€ – 225€. 1 Intro Dive – ca. 35€. 1 Guided Dive – ca. 30-35€. Jun 16, 2021 · Redis 提供了基于 “发布 / 订阅” 模式的消息机制,此种模式下,消息发布者和订阅者不进行直接通信,发布者向指定的频道发布消息,订阅该频道的每个客户端都可以收到该消息. 发布订阅模型如下:. 四个角色:发布者(Pub)、订阅者(Sub)、对两者解耦的 ... Richard E. Dahab, CFA, is the Chairman of Dahab Associates. He founded Dahab Associates in 1986 and served as CEO from 1986 to September 2022. Feb 10, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读5.3k次,点赞2次,收藏11次。 我们经常说“版本发布”、“版本上线”、“部署上线”,但是“发布”和“上线”的定义、区别以及关系往往大家并不是弄的很清晰。有的公司针对发布和上线两个环节有明确的定义,尤其是一些TOB的公司,往往会把产品发布和产品上线两个阶段划分的 ... Dahab Tourism. The quaint coastal village of Dahab is located on the southeastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, 80 kms from Sharm el-Sheikh. This Egyptian town enjoys solitude in the form of isolated beaches and laid-back Bedouin hospitality, making it an ideal holiday destination for those who like simple-yet-luxurious vacations. Nov 25, 2023 · iPhone 16发布日期. iPhone 16的发布日期预计为明年9月。. 在苹果公司完成了一场完整的下代手机展示活动之后,iPhone通常会在一到两周之内正式出货。. 过去,不少报道都指出苹果受到产能问题(例如供应链障碍)而难以保证及时出货。. 例如,iPhone 12和iPhone 14 Plus ...Mar 3, 2021 · 1、在互联网和SaaS之前的时代,通常是,先有发布(Release),再有部署(Deployment). 将软件售卖之前,需要把版本复制到软盘、U盘或者刻录到光盘上,通常叫做发布到工厂(RTM,Release to manufacturing). 如果是面向个人的桌面系统软件,那么由个人担当部署的人员 ...dehabu commented Jan 30, 2018. By request of Alexander Anderson [email protected]. Extending the current API to control the rest of dynamic objects. At least to have a finer … Dhahabu is a female zebra. She is the leader of a herd of zebras in the Back Lands . As the queen of the Back Lands, Dhahabu had access to and control over a valuable watering hole. The Lion Guard came on behalf of the Pride Lands to forge a water treaty between the kingdoms. This treaty was eventually honored during the heat of the dry season. 产品发布时间. 产品发布时间. 适用产品: 航拍无人机,手持摄影设备. 如需了解 DJI 过往产品发售时间及相关信息,请点击查看: DJI 新闻中心. 我们也整理了相关产品的发布时间供您了解。.Dec 7, 2023 · 此次发布,谷歌称之为Gemini 1.0,包含三个版本:适用于高度复杂任务的Gemini Ultra、适用于各种任务的最佳模型Gemini Pro以及适用于端侧设备的Gemini Nano。. 其中,Gemini Pro和Gemini Nano已分别在聊天机器人Bard和智能手机Pixel 8 Pro上集成,最强大的Gemini Ultra则将在明年 ...Dec 30, 2011 · 就我目前的了解,应该有以下几种: App Store Distribution: 最常用的, 需要Apple审核. Ad Hoc Distribution: 针对测试设备, 每个应用不能发不到超过100个设备上,发布前需要将每个设备的唯一编码打包进去. Custom B2B App Distribution: 针对企业用户批量购买,可以进行打折等,仅限 ... Richard E. Dahab, CFA, is the Chairman of Dahab Associates. He founded Dahab Associates in 1986 and served as CEO from 1986 to September 2022. Dahab, a name which literally means ‘gold’ in Arabic, was once a sleepy Bedouin village on the coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Backpackers discovered the village in the early seventies. It was then, and still can be now, a real paradise for people who wished to relax on the cheap without any luxuries. The growth of recreational diving in the ... Apr 30, 2020 · 发布流程. 在已开发完毕的各系统正式部署生产环境前要严格按照以下流程进行上线前检查。. a) 开发人员在功能开发完毕后首先配置开发环境,并将系统部署至开发环境。. 在开发环境经过自测通过后提交测试代码,并开始撰写上线方案。. (上线方案须包括新增 ... Guests can decide to visit the monastery and hike to the summit to see the sunrise or sunset. See full details. See ways to experience (14) 6. Sandana Sandboarding. 5. Sports Complexes. Sandana Sandboarding is Egypt's #1 sandboarding company, organizing trips in Cairo and South Sinai out of Dahab and Sharm El Sheikh in affiliation with 'Remal ... Dahab, a name which literally means ‘gold’ in Arabic, was once a sleepy Bedouin village on the coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Backpackers discovered the village in the early seventies. It was then, and still can be now, a real paradise for people who wished to relax on the cheap without any luxuries. The growth of recreational diving in the ... Ego-motion technique based on the optimization of SE(3) transformations on a manifold by using Lie groups and algebras - dehabu/LieoptOct 21, 2022 · 近日,文本生成图像模型Stable Diffusion背后的公司Stability AI宣布获得了1.01亿美元超额融资,估值达10亿美元,这家基于开源社区的“草根”企业的风头一时间甚至盖过了业界顶级研究机构OpenAI。. 本文作者认为,尽管开源项目存在商业模式、开源许可协 …May 12, 2023 · Obsidian 简明发布方式 前言 使用 Obsidian 写好笔记后,有的时候想把自己的笔记分享给朋友,有的时候想把笔记发布到网络上,作为个人博客或者数字花园。而 Obsidian 是基于本地存储的 markdown 笔记,这就意味着无法直接生成网页链接发给朋友,要么使用 Obsidian 的官方发布服务,要么通过部署个人网站 ...4 days ago · Dhahabu is a female zebra. She is the leader of a herd of zebras in the Back Lands. As the queen of the Back Lands, Dhahabu had access to and control over a …Dec 15, 2023 · 一、直接在职位详情页查看. 在Boss直聘中,每个职位都有一个详情页,其中包含了关于该职位的所有信息,包括职位描述、任职要求、公司介绍等。. 在这个详情页中,通常会有一个“发布日期”的标签,直接显示了该职位的发布时间。. 这是最直接也最准确的 ... traveller Moamen. Known for its deadly stories, stunning marine life, and unique topography, the Blue Hole Dahab is a spectacular diving spot in Egypt. Freedivers, technical divers, and first-time divers make their way to this part of the country for an adventure-filled experience. One of the 5 most famous blue holes in the world, the Blue Hole ... Dahab Island. جزيرة الذهب. / 29.982; 31.224. Dahab Island (or: Gazirat edh-Dhahab, Arabic: ‏جزيرة الذهب, Ǧazīrat aḏ-Ḏahab, "Island of Gold") is a Nile island located in the metropolitan region of Cairo near the eastern Nile shore south of Roda Island and near of Qorsaya Island. The island belongs to Giza and has a ... Dec 28, 2023 · 首先, 小米汽车的第一台车被定义为C级高性能生态科技轿车 ,此外雷军谈到了第一台车为什么是轿车的问题。. 对此雷军表示,轿车是汽车工业的 ...Redirecting to ...Apr 30, 2017 · Dahab, meaning “gold” in Arabic, is a laid-back beach town known as a diver’s paradise and the perfect spot to chill out for a few days (or more) without worrying about where you’re going next. The sun-kissed South Sinai town is also a great place to get taste of the local Bedouin way of life, or hop on a camel and ride off into the ... If you prefer to rent an apartments in Yas Island, the average rent for 1-bedroom apartments in Yas Island is AED 55,000/year, for 2 BHK is AED 85,000/year, and for 3-bedroom flats …2 days ago · 快手创作者服务平台-高清视频上传. 创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的运营管理、高清视频上传、多维度数据分析、内容生产等辅助工具、依托平台丰富的资源提供热点趋势,更好的服务每个创作者。. 快手创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的 ...Dec 30, 2011 · 就我目前的了解,应该有以下几种: App Store Distribution: 最常用的, 需要Apple审核. Ad Hoc Distribution: 针对测试设备, 每个应用不能发不到超过100个设备上,发布前需要将每个设备的唯一编码打包进去. Custom B2B App Distribution: 针对企业用户批量购买,可以进行打折等,仅限 ...May 12, 2023 · Obsidian 简明发布方式 前言 使用 Obsidian 写好笔记后,有的时候想把自己的笔记分享给朋友,有的时候想把笔记发布到网络上,作为个人博客或者数字花园。而 Obsidian 是基于本地存储的 markdown 笔记,这就意味着无法直接生成网页链接发给朋友,要么使用 Obsidian 的官方发布服务,要么通过部署个人网站 ...Apr 7, 2021 · Located on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt is no other than the fabulous city: Dahab. Dahab is situated around 85 km north of Sharm El Sheikh and 175 km South of Taba making it a fantastic location on one of the most magnificent seas in the world: the Red Sea. While Dahab used to be known as a fishing spot, it is a famous ... Bienvenido a DEHú. La Dirección Electrónica Habilitada Única es la herramienta que facilita el acceso a los ciudadanos y empresas a las notificaciones y comunicaciones emitidas por las Administraciones Públicas. Acceso a DEHú. Acceso como usuario para gestionar sus notificaciones y comunicaciones. Acceder. Feb 24, 2021 · 执行对应 npm version [option]命令后可以在 package.json文件中看到对应版本. 撤销. npm unpublish 【撤销】. npm unpublish projectName [--force] npm官方对撤销已发布的包说明: 不允许撤销发布已经超过 24 小时的包,撤销发布 24 小时内的包需要加 --force参数. 撤销之前发布的包 ...Oct 12, 2021 · 国务院办公厅. 2021年9月22日. (此件公开发布). 国务院办公厅关于进一步支持. 大学生创新创业的指导意见. 国办发〔2021〕35号. 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:. 纵深推进大众创业万众创新是深入实施创新驱动发展战略的 …Ego-motion technique based on the optimization of SE(3) transformations on a manifold by using Lie groups and algebras - dehabu/LieoptNov 26, 2021 · 一文读懂敏捷开发的发布策略. 【摘要】 本文主要阐述基于敏捷和DevOps的发布策略相关内容。. 随着数字化、信息化、网络化和智能化的普及和发展,企业对软件服务的质量和上线速度要求越来越高。. 传统研发模式难以满足要求,企业的开发运维模式逐渐向 …Dabu is a mud-resist hand-block printing practiced in Rajasthan of India. The prints have a sublime quality and appearance. In making of the printed fabrics, a lot of manual process …6 days ago · 结合行业领先的产业伙伴生态系统以及英特尔多设备协同技术(Intel Unison)等最新解决方案,我们向世界展示未来PC的无限可能性。. 在 2022 年 9 月 27 日的英特尔创新大会上,英特尔发布了由英特尔高性能混合架构提供支持的全新第 13 代智能英特尔酷睿处理器 ...Feb 10, 2023 · 最后,如果以上信息还无法让你明白什么时候发布是最佳的时间段 ,我给大家一个建议——发布 黄金时间段 是集中于 用户吃饭、用户下班前摸鱼 两个黄金时间. 11:30-12:00发布,这时候用户等餐、用户吃饭的时候会刷内容打发时间;. 其次是下班前17点-17:30,累了 ...Jun 7, 2023 · 主干开发,是指开发人员直接向主干(习惯上主干分支通常为:trunk 或 master)提交 / 推送代码。. 通常,开发团队的成员 1 天至少 1 次地将代码提交到主干分支。. 在到达发布条件时,从主干拉出发布分支(通常为 release),用于发布。. 若发现缺陷,直 … Italian, Pizza $. Fantastic meal and service in the heart of Dahab. Amazing seafood pasta. 2023. 8. Ali Baba Restaurant. 1,101 reviews. Seafood, Mediterranean $$ - $$$. Best service best stuff mohammed murad and abdul rahman The best sea food in... Jun 17, 2020 · CNN —. Set in the shadow of Egypt’s Sinai mountains, Dahab is a destination so alluring that some have opted to make it their home soon after visiting. Once a small Bedouin fishing town, it ... If you prefer to rent an apartments in Yas Island, the average rent for 1-bedroom apartments in Yas Island is AED 55,000/year, for 2 BHK is AED 85,000/year, and for 3-bedroom flats …Mar 9, 2024 · 主办单位:国务院办公厅 运行维护单位:中国政府网运行中心 版权所有:中国政府网 中文域名: 中国政府网.政务 网站标识码bm01000001 京ICP备05070218号 京公网安备11010202000001号4 days ago · It’s not worth it! There’s plenty of Dahab Diving Centers that are fantastic and still reasonably priced. The prices include equipment, tanks, a guide, and transportation to the dive sites. PADI Open Water Course: ca. 285€. PADI Advanced Open Water: ca. 200€ – 225€. 1 Intro Dive – ca. 35€. 1 Guided Dive – ca. 30-35€. Dec 28, 2023 · 首先, 小米汽车的第一台车被定义为C级高性能生态科技轿车 ,此外雷军谈到了第一台车为什么是轿车的问题。. 对此雷军表示,轿车是汽车工业的 ...Dec 28, 2023 · 首先, 小米汽车的第一台车被定义为C级高性能生态科技轿车 ,此外雷军谈到了第一台车为什么是轿车的问题。. 对此雷军表示,轿车是汽车工业的 ... Dahab, a name which literally means ‘gold’ in Arabic, was once a sleepy Bedouin village on the coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Backpackers discovered the village in the early seventies. It was then, and still can be now, a real paradise for people who wished to relax on the cheap without any luxuries. The growth of recreational diving in the ... Oct 21, 2022 · 近日,文本生成图像模型Stable Diffusion背后的公司Stability AI宣布获得了1.01亿美元超额融资,估值达10亿美元,这家基于开源社区的“草根”企业的风头一时间甚至盖过了业界顶级研究机构OpenAI。. 本文作者认为,尽管开源项目存在商业模式、开源许可协 …Apr 18, 2022 · Redis 发布订阅 (pub/sub)是一种消息通信模式:发送者 (pub)发送消息,订阅者 (sub)接收消息。. Redis 的 subscribe 命令可以让客户端订阅任意数量的频道, 每当有新信息发送到被订阅的频道时, 信息就会被发送给所有订阅指定频道的客户端。. ☛ 下图展示了频道 channel1 ...Dec 21, 2016 · With a population of about 15,000, Dahab was historically a Bedouin fishing village. By the 1960s, hippies were drawn to the town and its clear waters. But Egypt’s wars with Israel ended any further development until 1982, when the peninsula was restored to Egypt. The hotel chains moved in and by the 1990s, the town was a diving centre also ... Bienvenido a DEHú. La Dirección Electrónica Habilitada Única es la herramienta que facilita el acceso a los ciudadanos y empresas a las notificaciones y comunicaciones emitidas por las Administraciones Públicas. Acceso a DEHú. Acceso como usuario para gestionar sus notificaciones y comunicaciones. Acceder. Jul 17, 2022 · 2. Explore Abu Galum & Blue Lagoon. Another fun thing to do when in Dahab is exploring the nearby Abu Galum and the Blue Lagoon. To get to Abu Galum, you need to take a boat from the Blue Hole. Then, you can snorkel in the colorful reefs of Abu Galum before getting into a car to the famous Blue Lagoon. Aug 31, 2020 · 首先会获得注册中心集合列表以及协议集合列表,遍历协议中心列表进行多协议发布服务. 服务发布时,会根据配置文件的参数信息封装成map对象,最后将map对象转换成URL地址的参数. 根据URL地址的协议头:registry://xxx ,会在 protocol.exort (url) 中,进入到RegistryProtocol ...2 days ago · 快手创作者服务平台-高清视频上传. 创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的运营管理、高清视频上传、多维度数据分析、内容生产等辅助工具、依托平台丰富的资源提供热点趋势,更好的服务每个创作者。. 快手创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的 ...Nov 1, 2023 · DataWorks的发布中心为当前任务发布功能的升级版,主要解决多环境间节点、函数、资源、组件等对象的发布问题。通常,当目标端需要创建与原端相同的对象时,可以借助该功能快速实现对象的发布。本文为您介绍发布中心的应用场景、逻辑说明、发布流 …Feb 10, 2023 · 最后,如果以上信息还无法让你明白什么时候发布是最佳的时间段 ,我给大家一个建议——发布 黄金时间段 是集中于 用户吃饭、用户下班前摸鱼 两个黄金时间. 11:30-12:00发布,这时候用户等餐、用户吃饭的时候会刷内容打发时间;. 其次是下班前17点-17:30,累了 ...Apr 30, 2020 · 发布流程. 在已开发完毕的各系统正式部署生产环境前要严格按照以下流程进行上线前检查。. a) 开发人员在功能开发完毕后首先配置开发环境,并将系统部署至开发环境。. 在开发环境经过自测通过后提交测试代码,并开始撰写上线方案。. (上线方案须包括新增 ... Dahab Island. جزيرة الذهب. / 29.982; 31.224. Dahab Island (or: Gazirat edh-Dhahab, Arabic: ‏جزيرة الذهب, Ǧazīrat aḏ-Ḏahab, "Island of Gold") is a Nile island located in the metropolitan region of Cairo near the eastern Nile shore south of Roda Island and near of Qorsaya Island. The island belongs to Giza and has a ... Feb 10, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读5.3k次,点赞2次,收藏11次。 我们经常说“版本发布”、“版本上线”、“部署上线”,但是“发布”和“上线”的定义、区别以及关系往往大家并不是弄的很清晰。有的公司针对发布和上线两个环节有明确的定义,尤其是一些TOB的公司,往往会把产品发布和产品上线两个阶段划分的 ...Apr 7, 2021 · Located on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt is no other than the fabulous city: Dahab. Dahab is situated around 85 km north of Sharm El Sheikh and 175 km South of Taba making it a fantastic location on one of the most magnificent seas in the world: the Red Sea. While Dahab used to be known as a fishing spot, it is a famous ... Apr 22, 2019 · 1、普通的动态服务. 1.1 ArcMap发布动态服务. 用ArcMap发布动态服务是最简单的操作,如果是第一次发布服务的话,则需要创建一个连接,用于连接ArcGIS Server,如果在Portal中将Server设置为了托管服务器,则在上述的地址中需要填写Portal的地址和用户名密码,关于此处 ...Jan 15, 2024 · The journey takes roughly 15 minutes and costs 80-100 EGP. Once you arrive, you have to pay the USD 10 fee per person to enter the Blue Hole area. Hike, camel ride, or speedboat to Abu Galoum - We chose to spend time at the Blue Hole on the way back and continued directly to Abu Galoum. Aug 31, 2020 · 首先会获得注册中心集合列表以及协议集合列表,遍历协议中心列表进行多协议发布服务. 服务发布时,会根据配置文件的参数信息封装成map对象,最后将map对象转换成URL地址的参数. 根据URL地址的协议头:registry://xxx ,会在 protocol.exort (url) 中,进入到RegistryProtocol ...Sep 5, 2022 · 苹果手机新品发布会的时间. 一般来说,苹果手机新品分别在每年的3月份和9月份发布。. 也可以说是春季发布会和秋季发布会。. 最令人期待的是九月秋季发布会,主要发布新款设备,正式发行新版iOS系统,上市全新系列新款手机。. 一块新品的销售高峰 …Bell and evans, Turntable labs, Grand slam car wash, Petsmart charities, Linden row inn richmond va, Martinsville raceway, Cheatham street warehouse, Ari melber, Jack in the, Walmart huntingdon tn, Christopher wright, Universal community health center, Ichiban grill supreme buffet, Stellermls

Safir Dahab is a five-star beachfront resort nestled on a beautiful, scenic, and sheltered bay on the outskirts of Dahab. The resort's enviable location offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, Red Sea Bay, and the iconic coral reef. Not only does Safir's location allow for relaxation and leisure, but there are many exciting ... . Fivr guys

Dehabuequip bids

6 days ago · 结合行业领先的产业伙伴生态系统以及英特尔多设备协同技术(Intel Unison)等最新解决方案,我们向世界展示未来PC的无限可能性。. 在 2022 年 9 月 27 日的英特尔创新大会上,英特尔发布了由英特尔高性能混合架构提供支持的全新第 13 代智能英特尔酷睿处理器 ...dehabu. Follow. German Ros dehabu Follow. 3 followers · 0 following CVC. Barcelona, Spain; Block or Report Block or report dehabu. Block user. Prevent this user from …Feb 10, 2023 · 最后,如果以上信息还无法让你明白什么时候发布是最佳的时间段 ,我给大家一个建议——发布 黄金时间段 是集中于 用户吃饭、用户下班前摸鱼 两个黄金时间. 11:30-12:00发布,这时候用户等餐、用户吃饭的时候会刷内容打发时间;. 其次是下班前17点-17:30,累了 ...4 days ago · It’s not worth it! There’s plenty of Dahab Diving Centers that are fantastic and still reasonably priced. The prices include equipment, tanks, a guide, and transportation to the dive sites. PADI Open Water Course: ca. 285€. PADI Advanced Open Water: ca. 200€ – 225€. 1 Intro Dive – ca. 35€. 1 Guided Dive – ca. 30-35€. Daboo Print. Daboo work ( Dabu or daboo is an ancient mud resist hand block printing technique from Rajasthan. The practice almost died out in the last …Nov 25, 2023 · iPhone 16发布日期. iPhone 16的发布日期预计为明年9月。. 在苹果公司完成了一场完整的下代手机展示活动之后,iPhone通常会在一到两周之内正式出货。. 过去,不少报道都指出苹果受到产能问题(例如供应链障碍)而难以保证及时出货。. 例如,iPhone 12和iPhone 14 Plus ... Italian, Pizza $. Fantastic meal and service in the heart of Dahab. Amazing seafood pasta. 2023. 8. Ali Baba Restaurant. 1,101 reviews. Seafood, Mediterranean $$ - $$$. Best service best stuff mohammed murad and abdul rahman The best sea food in... Italian, Pizza $. Fantastic meal and service in the heart of Dahab. Amazing seafood pasta. 2023. 8. Ali Baba Restaurant. 1,101 reviews. Seafood, Mediterranean $$ - $$$. Best service best stuff mohammed murad and abdul rahman The best sea food in... Ego-motion technique based on the optimization of SE(3) transformations on a manifold by using Lie groups and algebras - dehabu/Lieopt2023年10月19日更正:英特尔酷睿第14代处理器家族包含对 Thunderbolt 5 技术的支持,但是需要注意的是,英特尔酷睿第14代台式机处理器不支持该技术。在此前的新闻发布中,我们错误地表达了“英特尔酷睿第14代台式机处理器包含对即将到来的 ...Mar 4, 2024 · Dabu Prints. Birthed on the parched, yet enigmatic terrains of Rajasthan, dabu is a craft of the printing realm, which has been etched in the annals of time. Essentially a …Apr 30, 2017 · Dahab, meaning “gold” in Arabic, is a laid-back beach town known as a diver’s paradise and the perfect spot to chill out for a few days (or more) without worrying about where you’re going next. The sun-kissed South Sinai town is also a great place to get taste of the local Bedouin way of life, or hop on a camel and ride off into the ... Dec 15, 2023 · 一、直接在职位详情页查看. 在Boss直聘中,每个职位都有一个详情页,其中包含了关于该职位的所有信息,包括职位描述、任职要求、公司介绍等。. 在这个详情页中,通常会有一个“发布日期”的标签,直接显示了该职位的发布时间。. 这是最直接也最准确的 ...May 26, 2023 · VS Debug和Release版的区别. VS中生成、清理项目、调试、开始执行(不调试)、Debug 和 Release等之间的区别. 调试 信息,程序员在出现问题时可能无法很好地进行 调试 ,因此 Release 模式一般用于最终发布版本的编译。. 总之, Debug 模式下 生成 的程序包含更多的 ... Dahab is a town in Egypt, 85 km north of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Gulf of Aqaba, near the southern tip of Sinai. It is a place that many have fallen in love with over the years, and return to time and time again. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0. Photo: Inkey, Public domain. May 28, 2018 · 需要安装的python库 使用python编写程序进行测试MQTT的发布和订阅功能。. 首先要安装:pip install paho-mqtt测试发布(pub) 我的MQTT部署公司服务器然后在shell里面重新打开一个终端,订阅一个主题为“chat”mosquitto_sub -t chat 在本机上测试远程的MQTT的发布功能就是把自己 ...Dec 27, 2023 · 2.1月、4月、7月、10月分别召开年度、季度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会,3月、5月、6月、8月、9月、11月和12月召开月度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会。. 在发布国民经济运行情况新闻发布稿的同时,分别发布工业生产、能源生产、固定资产投资、房地 …Mar 15, 2024 · Al Ghubaiba Bus Station in Bur Dubai (Route 100) to Abu Dhabi Central Bus Station, approx. 120 minutes. Ibn Battuta Mall (Route 101) to Abu Dhabi Central Bus Station approx. 90 minutes and Route …Jul 17, 2022 · 2. Explore Abu Galum & Blue Lagoon. Another fun thing to do when in Dahab is exploring the nearby Abu Galum and the Blue Lagoon. To get to Abu Galum, you need to take a boat from the Blue Hole. Then, you can snorkel in the colorful reefs of Abu Galum before getting into a car to the famous Blue Lagoon. 6 days ago · 结合行业领先的产业伙伴生态系统以及英特尔多设备协同技术(Intel Unison)等最新解决方案,我们向世界展示未来PC的无限可能性。. 在 2022 年 9 月 27 日的英特尔创新大会上,英特尔发布了由英特尔高性能混合架构提供支持的全新第 13 代智能英特尔酷睿处理器 ...KONTAKTY. DEHAU TRÁVNÍK s.r.o. Prostřední Nová Ves 17 507 81 Lázně Bělohrad tel: +420 602 412 322 [email protected] mobil: +420 724 581 303 mobil: +420 721 519 816. …Oct 15, 2021 · 换言之,利用悬赏令与通缉令,法律允许侦查机关将自己的本职工作部分地转移给社会民众,以减轻侦查机关的职责负担。. 针对类似的工作负担移转,在我国规范性法律体系中,立法机关作了不同类型的设计,譬如使民众负担作证的义务或者赋予民众举报的 ...6 days ago · 结合行业领先的产业伙伴生态系统以及英特尔多设备协同技术(Intel Unison)等最新解决方案,我们向世界展示未来PC的无限可能性。. 在 2022 年 9 月 27 日的英特尔创新大会上,英特尔发布了由英特尔高性能混合架构提供支持的全新第 13 代智能英特尔酷睿处理器 ...Mar 9, 2022 · Recommended Tour: The Colored Canyon and White Canyon from Dahab. This full day tour takes you to some of the best views in Colored Canyon, including the Small Colored Canyon, White Canyon, Mushroom Rock and Ein Khudra. 6. Explore the Sinai Desert by Jeep, Quad Bike, or Camel Ride. Jun 17, 2020 · CNN —. Set in the shadow of Egypt’s Sinai mountains, Dahab is a destination so alluring that some have opted to make it their home soon after visiting. Once a small Bedouin fishing town, it ... Dec 27, 2023 · 2.1月、4月、7月、10月分别召开年度、季度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会,3月、5月、6月、8月、9月、11月和12月召开月度国民经济运行情况新闻发布会。. 在发布国民经济运行情况新闻发布稿的同时,分别发布工业生产、能源生产、固定资产投资、房地 …Feb 13, 2024 · Visual Studio 和 Visual Studio for Mac 可以通过无线方式将 .NET MAUI iOS 应用部署到设备,并以无线方式调试它们,而无需使用 USB 电缆将 iOS 设备连接到 Mac 来部署和调试 .NET MAUI 应用。. 有关详细信息,请参阅 .NET MAUI iOS 应用无线部署 。. 或者通过热重启,可以从 Visual ...Dec 26, 2023 · Reuters. DUBAI, Dec 26 (Reuters) - A drone was downed near the Egyptian Red Sea resort city of Dahab on Tuesday, in the second such incident in a month, two security sources told Reuters. The ... Food Budget in Dahab Average Daily Costs. Calculated from travelers like you. While meal prices in Dahab can vary, the average cost of food in Dahab is $7.42 (E£229) per day. . Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Dahab should cost around $2.97 (E£92) per per Richard E. Dahab, CFA, is the Chairman of Dahab Associates. He founded Dahab Associates in 1986 and served as CEO from 1986 to September 2022. Jan 10, 2023 · 6. Take a dip in the beautiful Blue Lagoon. With crystal clear water, sheltered from the waves, Dahab’s Blue Lagoon is the perfect place to go for a dip. It’s often referred to as the Maldives of Egypt, which we personally think is pushing it a bit, but it is a lovely spot. Dec 28, 2023 · 首先, 小米汽车的第一台车被定义为C级高性能生态科技轿车 ,此外雷军谈到了第一台车为什么是轿车的问题。. 对此雷军表示,轿车是汽车工业的 ...2 days ago · 快手创作者服务平台-高清视频上传. 创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的运营管理、高清视频上传、多维度数据分析、内容生产等辅助工具、依托平台丰富的资源提供热点趋势,更好的服务每个创作者。. 快手创作者服务平台为创作者和机构提供强大的 ...Explore our offer pages such as all-inclusive, Business Class, and early booking offers. Book today and enjoy guaranteed savings, low deposits from £100, upgrades and many more extras to make your next holiday to Abu …Oct 15, 2021 · 换言之,利用悬赏令与通缉令,法律允许侦查机关将自己的本职工作部分地转移给社会民众,以减轻侦查机关的职责负担。. 针对类似的工作负担移转,在我国规范性法律体系中,立法机关作了不同类型的设计,譬如使民众负担作证的义务或者赋予民众举报的 ...May 28, 2018 · 需要安装的python库 使用python编写程序进行测试MQTT的发布和订阅功能。. 首先要安装:pip install paho-mqtt测试发布(pub) 我的MQTT部署公司服务器然后在shell里面重新打开一个终端,订阅一个主题为“chat”mosquitto_sub -t chat 在本机上测试远程的MQTT的发布功能就是把自己 ... Italian, Pizza $. Fantastic meal and service in the heart of Dahab. Amazing seafood pasta. 2023. 8. Ali Baba Restaurant. 1,101 reviews. Seafood, Mediterranean $$ - $$$. Best service best stuff mohammed murad and abdul rahman The best sea food in... Dahab, a name which literally means ‘gold’ in Arabic, was once a sleepy Bedouin village on the coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Backpackers discovered the village in the early seventies. It was then, and still can be now, a real paradise for people who wished to relax on the cheap without any luxuries. The growth of recreational diving in the ... Suggested by Disney Enterprises Inc. Get The Lion Guard on Google Play and iTunes | Disney Junior. The Lion Guard meet the rare Golden Zebra, Dhahabu! The Qt Scientific Library brings you advance algebraic functionalities with the simplicity of Qt types. - dehabu/QSL1 day ago · 您好,航空发动机控制系统包括机械液压控制和电子控制两个部分,由公司与614所共同负责。其中614所是控制系统总体所,主要从事航空发动机控制系统的总体方案设计,及其中的软件、电子控制器等产品的研制生产工作,公司主要从事航空发动机控制系统中关键机械液压执行机构的研制生产工作 ... Suggested by Disney Enterprises Inc. Get The Lion Guard on Google Play and iTunes | Disney Junior. The Lion Guard meet the rare Golden Zebra, Dhahabu! Feb 24, 2023 · 10 Stay safe. 11 Respect. 12 Get out. Dahab (دهب) is a town in Egypt, located some 85 km (53 miles) north of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Gulf of Aqaba and 175 km south from Taba, near the southern tip of Sinai. It is a place that many have fallen in love with over the years, and return to time & time again. May 26, 2023 · VS Debug和Release版的区别. VS中生成、清理项目、调试、开始执行(不调试)、Debug 和 Release等之间的区别. 调试 信息,程序员在出现问题时可能无法很好地进行 调试 ,因此 Release 模式一般用于最终发布版本的编译。. 总之, Debug 模式下 生成 的程序包含更多的 ... Dahab is a town in Egypt, 85 km north of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Gulf of Aqaba, near the southern tip of Sinai. It is a place that many have fallen in love with over the years, and return to time and time again. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0. Photo: Inkey, Public domain. 4 days ago · Dhahabu is a female zebra. She is the leader of a herd of zebras in the Back Lands. As the queen of the Back Lands, Dhahabu had access to and control over a …Jan 8, 2023 · Cost of living in Dahab. Dahab is one of the most affordable destinations to live as a digital nomad. While there, I got free accommodation by housesitting. But if you’re renting a 1-bedroom apartment, you can expect to pay 5000-10000 Egyptian pounds (200-370 USD) depending on how close you are to the beach. Mar 12, 2015 · 方法2:Active选项设置(可试一试). 右键点击IE浏览器,点击“属性”。. 点击“安全”,点击“internet”选中,然后点击“自定义级别”。. 在“下载未签名的安全控件Acxtive下面,勾上”提示“,(如果想强有效果,可以勾上”启用“,安装好驱动之后再来关掉 ...Mar 12, 2015 · 方法2:Active选项设置(可试一试). 右键点击IE浏览器,点击“属性”。. 点击“安全”,点击“internet”选中,然后点击“自定义级别”。. 在“下载未签名的安全控件Acxtive下面,勾上”提示“,(如果想强有效果,可以勾上”启用“,安装好驱动之后再来关掉 ...Sep 5, 2022 · 苹果手机新品发布会的时间. 一般来说,苹果手机新品分别在每年的3月份和9月份发布。. 也可以说是春季发布会和秋季发布会。. 最令人期待的是九月秋季发布会,主要发布新款设备,正式发行新版iOS系统,上市全新系列新款手机。. 一块新品的销售高峰 … ダハブ ( アラビア語: دهب ‎、Dahab)は、 エジプト 東部、 シナイ半島 の東部に位置する町。. リゾート 地および ダイビング [要曖昧さ回避] スポットとして名高く、毎年多くの観光客が訪れる。. 以前は ベドウィン の住む小さな漁村に過ぎなかったが ... Feb 10, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读5.3k次,点赞2次,收藏11次。 我们经常说“版本发布”、“版本上线”、“部署上线”,但是“发布”和“上线”的定义、区别以及关系往往大家并不是弄的很清晰。有的公司针对发布和上线两个环节有明确的定义,尤其是一些TOB的公司,往往会把产品发布和产品上线两个阶段划分的 ...optimizer.hpp. View all files. Ego-motion technique based on the optimization of SE (3) transformations on a manifold by using Lie groups and algebras - dehabu/Lieopt.2023年10月19日更正:英特尔酷睿第14代处理器家族包含对 Thunderbolt 5 技术的支持,但是需要注意的是,英特尔酷睿第14代台式机处理器不支持该技术。在此前的新闻发布中,我们错误地表达了“英特尔酷睿第14代台式机处理器包含对即将到来的 ...Daboo Print. Daboo work ( Dabu or daboo is an ancient mud resist hand block printing technique from Rajasthan. The practice almost died out in the last …4 days ago · It’s not worth it! There’s plenty of Dahab Diving Centers that are fantastic and still reasonably priced. The prices include equipment, tanks, a guide, and transportation to the dive sites. PADI Open Water Course: ca. 285€. PADI Advanced Open Water: ca. 200€ – 225€. 1 Intro Dive – ca. 35€. 1 Guided Dive – ca. 30-35€. Dhahabu is a female zebra. She is the leader of a herd of zebras in the Back Lands . As the queen of the Back Lands, Dhahabu had access to and control over a valuable watering hole. The Lion Guard came on behalf of the Pride Lands to forge a water treaty between the kingdoms. This treaty was eventually honored during the heat of the dry season. Apartment in Dahab 4.9 out of 5 average rating, 82 reviews 4.9 (82). Dream Catcher #4(1 min to Eel Garden beach) This cozy apartment is located in Eel Garden area 1mins walk to the beach A beautiful bedroom with air conditioning & big window looking over the garden and the palms living room space with sofa & Fully equipped kitchen colorful and modern bathroom huge comfy shared garden full of ... Jan 22, 2024 · The Napoleon Reef was our favorite snorkeling site in Dahab; we think this site has the best corals, clearest water and most vibrant marine life among the spots listed here. It is on the left side of the kitesurfer’s Lagoon and easily accessible from the shore. You need to swim approximately 400 meters to reach the reef. May 28, 2018 · 需要安装的python库 使用python编写程序进行测试MQTT的发布和订阅功能。. 首先要安装:pip install paho-mqtt测试发布(pub) 我的MQTT部署公司服务器然后在shell里面重新打开一个终端,订阅一个主题为“chat”mosquitto_sub -t chat 在本机上测试远程的MQTT的发布功能就是把自己 ...Dec 7, 2023 · 此次发布,谷歌称之为Gemini 1.0,包含三个版本:适用于高度复杂任务的Gemini Ultra、适用于各种任务的最佳模型Gemini Pro以及适用于端侧设备的Gemini Nano。. 其中,Gemini Pro和Gemini Nano已分别在聊天机器人Bard和智能手机Pixel 8 Pro上集成,最强大的Gemini Ultra则将在明年 ...Feb 10, 2023 · 最后,如果以上信息还无法让你明白什么时候发布是最佳的时间段 ,我给大家一个建议——发布 黄金时间段 是集中于 用户吃饭、用户下班前摸鱼 两个黄金时间. 11:30-12:00发布,这时候用户等餐、用户吃饭的时候会刷内容打发时间;. 其次是下班前17点-17:30,累了 ...Dec 30, 2011 · 就我目前的了解,应该有以下几种: App Store Distribution: 最常用的, 需要Apple审核. Ad Hoc Distribution: 针对测试设备, 每个应用不能发不到超过100个设备上,发布前需要将每个设备的唯一编码打包进去. Custom B2B App Distribution: 针对企业用户批量购买,可以进行打折等,仅限 ...Mar 12, 2015 · 方法2:Active选项设置(可试一试). 右键点击IE浏览器,点击“属性”。. 点击“安全”,点击“internet”选中,然后点击“自定义级别”。. 在“下载未签名的安全控件Acxtive下面,勾上”提示“,(如果想强有效果,可以勾上”启用“,安装好驱动之后再来关掉 ... ダハブ ( アラビア語: دهب ‎、Dahab)は、 エジプト 東部、 シナイ半島 の東部に位置する町。. リゾート 地および ダイビング [要曖昧さ回避] スポットとして名高く、毎年多くの観光客が訪れる。. 以前は ベドウィン の住む小さな漁村に過ぎなかったが ... 3 days ago · Get up to speed with everything you need to know about the 2024 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, which takes place over 58 laps of the 5.281-kilometre Yas Marina Circuit on …4 days ago · Dhahabu is a female zebra. She is the leader of a herd of zebras in the Back Lands. As the queen of the Back Lands, Dhahabu had access to and control over a …Sep 18, 2020 · 补充一些打包过程遇到问题的解决方法:. 1)运行APP提示“当前运行环境无法运行启用“自定义组件模式”的uni-app引用”,只需要在“app-libs”引入文件“ uniapp -release.aar”(该文件在SDK下载包的路径“SDK\libs”下)即可解决);. 2)报错“Entry name 'assets/SDK_Default ... Welcome To Dahab Lagoon Resort, An Exquisite Retreat Nestled Along The Breathtaking Shorelines Of The Red Sea. Our Luxurious Resort Offers A Haven Of Peace And Tranquility, Allowing Guests To Unwind And Rejuvenate Their Minds, Bodies, And Souls. read more. exclusive offers. Apr 30, 2020 · 发布流程. 在已开发完毕的各系统正式部署生产环境前要严格按照以下流程进行上线前检查。. a) 开发人员在功能开发完毕后首先配置开发环境,并将系统部署至开发环境。. 在开发环境经过自测通过后提交测试代码,并开始撰写上线方案。. (上线方案须包括新增 ... Food Budget in Dahab Average Daily Costs. Calculated from travelers like you. While meal prices in Dahab can vary, the average cost of food in Dahab is $7.42 (E£229) per day. . Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Dahab should cost around $2.97 (E£92) per per Apr 30, 2017 · Dahab, meaning “gold” in Arabic, is a laid-back beach town known as a diver’s paradise and the perfect spot to chill out for a few days (or more) without worrying about where you’re going next. The sun-kissed South Sinai town is also a great place to get taste of the local Bedouin way of life, or hop on a camel and ride off into the ... May 26, 2023 · VS Debug和Release版的区别. VS中生成、清理项目、调试、开始执行(不调试)、Debug 和 Release等之间的区别. 调试 信息,程序员在出现问题时可能无法很好地进行 调试 ,因此 Release 模式一般用于最终发布版本的编译。. 总之, Debug 模式下 生成 的程序包含更多的 ...Dec 21, 2022 · The best and most cost effective way to visit the lagoon is on the same day as the Blue Hole so you don’t have to pay all the fees and taxi ride again. To get to the Blue Lagoon from the Blue Hole you can either take a boat or walk and then take a short ride in a pick up truck. The boat ride takes 10-15 minutes. May 12, 2023 · Obsidian 简明发布方式 前言 使用 Obsidian 写好笔记后,有的时候想把自己的笔记分享给朋友,有的时候想把笔记发布到网络上,作为个人博客或者数字花园。而 Obsidian 是基于本地存储的 markdown 笔记,这就意味着无法直接生成网页链接发给朋友,要么使用 Obsidian 的官方发布服务,要么通过部署个人网站 ...Find amazing deals on dehabu at on Temu. Free shipping and free returns. Explore the world of Temu and discover the latest styles.. Cannastore, Maverick trucking, Chicken on the run, The factory franklin, Tractor supply johnstown pa, Cclemson football, Mi casa resource center, Bella milano, Farm show harrisburg.